Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Executive Dean, Business, Economics and Law
Executive Dean, Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Executive Dean, Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Executive Dean, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
The University of Queensland Art Museum
University of Queensland Press
Executive Dean, Science
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Office of the Deputy Provost
Planning and Business Intelligence
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
ARC Research Hub for Sustainable Crop Protection
ARC Training Centre in Predictive Breeding
Animal Science
Crop Science
Food & Beverage Accelerator (FaBa) - Trailblazer
Horticultural Science
Nutrition and Food Sciences
Chief Operating Officer
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
President of the Academic Board
Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President
Controlled Entities
UQ Holdings Group
UQ College
UQ Health Care Limited
UQ Holdings Pty Ltd
UQ Residences Ltd
UQ Sport
UniQuest Pty Limited
UQ Investment Trust Group
UQ Jakarta Office Pty Ltd
University Controlled Trusts
University of Queensland Foundation Ltd
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Games Engagement
Independent Operations
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Campus Culture and Leadership)
Vice President (Advancement and Community Engagement)
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